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Ezili Freda Ezili Danto Class

Ezili Freda Ezili Danto Class


St. Ulrique - Our Lady of Sorrows - Ezili Danto

Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Our Lady of Caridad del Cobre Lasyrenn, Maria Delorosa del Monte Calvario - Ezili Freda


Class about the sisters 

Ezili Dantor (pronounced eh-zee-lee Dahn-tor) is by far one of the most popular female Petro Lwa. She can be a tough lady, a little wild, but before all she is a mother. She is the most perfect mother one could wish to have.Dantor is a mother who watches and cares for her children very much. She can be a disciplinarian, as she does not and will not tolerate children behaving badly. She will defend her children and family until the very end. Dantor will also help a person for very little sacrifice on their part.


Dantor is served with the Image of Mater Salvatoris, sometimes also known as Santa Barbara Africana, which is the image you see on the top left hand corner of this page. She is also associated with other Madonnas who hold a child such as Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Our Lady of Czestochowa. Other images include Our Lady of Lourdes and Our Lady of Perpetual Help.


June 24th Zoom Live Class 

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